Hotels in Italy

We are pleased to submit a selection of the best hotels in Italy, from design boutique hotels, to historic homes as well as luxury hotels.

Modello Struttura

[:en]Villa Syracuse is an extraordinary residence with sea view, located in the Plemmirio reserve with a charming infinity pool with a whirlpool area.[:it]L'Hotel Querceto Wellness & Spa - Garda Lake Collection è immerso nel verde della zona collinare che sovrasta Malcesine, ai piedi del Monte Baldo.[:]

Modello Struttura2023-10-03T11:47:34+00:00

Palazzo Portinari Salviati – Florence

[:en]Palazzo Portinari Salviati, a prestigious Florentine palace of inestimable timeless historical and artistic value, returns to its splendor thanks to an imposing and meticulous restoration.[:it]Palazzo Portinari Salviati, a prestigious Florentine palace of inestimable timeless historical and artistic value, returns to its splendor thanks to an imposing and meticulous restoration. [:]

Palazzo Portinari Salviati – Florence2022-03-17T16:50:36+00:00

Hotel Villa Signorini Ercolano (NA)

[:en]In the magical setting between the wonderful Palace of Portici, the arcane Villa dei Papiri and the sea, stands Villa Signorini, an authentic jewel of eighteenth-century architecture. 18th century building included in the list of Vesuvian Villas.[:it]Nel magico scenario tra la mirabile Reggia di Portici, l’arcana Villa dei Papiri ed il mare, sorge Villa Signorini, autentico gioiello di architettura settecentesca. Edificio del XVIII sec. inserito nell'elenco delle Ville Vesuviane[:]

Hotel Villa Signorini Ercolano (NA)2018-01-09T15:10:55+00:00

Hotel Villa Barbarich – Venezia Mestre

[:en]Just 15 minutes from Venice, Villa Barbarich is the ideal resort for a classy stay, enlivened by all the best services and comforts, in the restored rooms of a splendid sixteenth century Venetian villa.[:it]A soli 15 minuti da Venezia, Villa Barbarich è il resort ideale per un soggiorno di classe, allietato da tutti i migliori servizi e comfort, nei restaurati ambienti di una splendida villa veneta del Cinquecento.[:]

Hotel Villa Barbarich – Venezia Mestre2018-01-08T16:26:39+00:00
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