Palazzo Portinari Salviati – Florence

per room, night

Palazzo Portinari Salviati, a prestigious Florentine palace of inestimable timeless historical and artistic value, returns to its splendor thanks to an imposing and meticulous restoration.

Here Folco Portinari, father of Beatrice, the muse of Dante Alighieri, and founder of the hospital of Santa Maria Nuova, had some houses which during the fifteenth century were transformed into a real palace. In 1456 it was purchased by Jacopo Salviati, husband of Lucrezia de ‘Medici, who had it enlarged and modernized by an unknown architect, perhaps Michelozzo for the initial project, later developed by Giuliano da Sangallo. A century later the palace then took its present form thanks to the work of Bramante Lazzeri.

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